

Monday, June 18, 2018

Mystery of Life

Nature of life

hello my name is Manoj and I want to express my views on the mystery of life. very often I wonder That the life one lives is quite intriguing and mysterious. What I mean is that when i see an old man or a female living at the age of 80 years which is quite normal keeping aside the perils and miseries of old age however its quite mysterious to see a child suffer with terminal disease or losing his or her life at a very young age. now what do you call this or how do you justify this.

Illogical pattern of life

One can often say that this is normal and there is nothing mysterious about it however I feel that how can how can on one hand people live for 80 years and on the other hand they die very young. This takes me to the topic of life after death as well as the karmic theory. the Karmic theory suggest the life of a human being is collection of debit and credit, credits for whatever good he does while debits for whatever bad he does. sum total of debit and credit gives you a final Karmic score which either becomes the closing balance of that life or the opening balance for the for the subsequent birth.
now people say that you live a life based on your past karma which means that if your score of the previous birth is good you will lead a good life however if the Karmic score is bad then obviously life will be full of struggle.

Negative Karmic Balance

I very often wonder that given today's world there will not be a single human being who will live the most ideal life without doing any wrong. so each person in the world invariably will do some wrong thing during his lifetime which means that Karmic score of any person at the time of his death always be negative.
Negative Karmic Balance

Friday, June 15, 2018

Why Spirituality important for youth today

What is spirituality
The purpose of spirituality is to be selfless, benevolent, calm, contemplative, thoughtful, detached from worldly attachments & materialism, kind & passionate, humble, generous, empathetic, helpful, unperturbed by anger or love and he who finds the God within oneself. When a person becomes spiritually inclined, it means that he has slowly started to detach himself from worldly things and trying to understand the real meaning of his life in the line of God. He is the one who is not attached to any particular religion but has faith in the good of all the religions. It is extremely critical that a child be exposed to the above traits early in the childhood so as to be fully develop spiritual life for a youth. 
peace of mind

The complexity of the world today
The world today has become extremely complex and highly competitive and the the race starts from the day a child is born leading to cases of depression by the time the child becomes a youth. Every parent normally expects his child to be the best in whatever he or she does and the expectations are so high. The pressures on the child starts quite early during his growing up years and it peaks by the time he or she attains being a youth. The child gets subjected to all kind of pressures and it is now that spiritual life of youth helps him to maintain a balance in life.  

Spiritual life for youth
The spiritual life of youth does not mean that he or she abstain from worldly pleasures, become an ascetic or a monk however it acts as a shield for him against mental pressures, egoism, maintain calmness and be away from comparisons. It is hence important that child is exposed to basic principles of spirituality during early stages so that it blossoms into spiritual life for a youth, once he or she grows up. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

what is spirituality

The world
consists of living, non living - natural and man made creations

Human Spices

Kind of beliefs


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